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Institutional Information Processing System Users Group

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Institutional Information Processing System Users Group

IIPS Preamble & Charter

Charter North Carolina Community College of Institutional Information Processing System Users Group (IIPS)


In order to more effectively engender, nurture, and promote communications, collaboration, and cooperation among Department of Community College Institutions using computers for academic and administrative uses; to cultivate professional development and competence of said persons; and to increase their abilities to more adequately acquire and manage computer resources for the advancement of educational opportunity; we do hereby establish the North Carolina Community College Institutional Information Processing System Users Group, hereinafter referred to as IIPS.

Article I
Name, Duration

The name of this organization shall be North Carolina Community College Institutional Information Processing System Users Group and its duration shall be perpetual. In the event of it's dissolution, any and all assets of said organization shall inure to the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges or it's assigns or successors.

Article II

The purposes for which this group is organized are as follows:

  • To increase communications among member institutions relative to software enhancements, individually developed software, and any other such information germane to the performance of those duties and responsibilities generally accorded to such computer system users.
  • To increase cooperative efforts, in both act and spirit, among member institutions in the management of computer services for the academic and administrative needs of each institution.
  • To promote and provide opportunities for professional development of personnel in member institutions through such workshops, seminar, etc., as may best accomplish such ends.
  • To promote interaction with appropriate regional and national organizations whose purposes and services are compatible with those of IIPS and to encourage membership with such organizations.
  • To provide a united voice to communicate needed software revisions and improvements of state-supported programs to the Department of Community Colleges.
  • To facilitate communications with all member institutions.
  • To share information concerning successful and innovative uses of computer applications among member institutions.

Article III
Scope, Membership

Membership shall include and be confined to personnel officially affiliated with an institution within the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges, members of the State staff of the Department, or special project personnel directly and officially affiliated with either of the above entities.

Classifications of membership and privileges and responsibilities accorded respectively to each are ascribed in the By-Laws.

Article IV
Conduct of Affairs

The affairs of the organization shall be administered by a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and such other officers as may be provided for by the By-Laws of the organization. Such officers shall be elected by and from the membership at the annual meeting and within those procedures as specified in the By-Laws.

Article V

This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of all voting members, present and voting, at the annual meeting. Provisional amendments may be made when urgently necessary by the majority vote of the Executive Committee as identified in the By-Laws, and such shall remain enforceable only until such time as theymight be considered by the entire membership at the annual meeting.

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